Saturday, January 8, 2011

13 January - Introduction... Special Topics Blog

Meet my family... My husband Jared, my son Ethan (7 1/2), Lydia (almost 5)
Jared holding Brielle (19 mo.) and Ashlyn (19 mo.)

I haven't blogged in months so it was quite fun creating a new blog for my EDEL 3250 class. I am most excited about busting out my "SPIRIT OF DISCOVERY!" If you don't know what that is, just ask me next time we talk!

I have a lot of hobbies. My 2 favorites are baking and scrapbooking. I will pretty much try anything once. Other things I enjoy are: hiking, biking, working out, hanging out w/friends and family, camping, boating/wakeboarding, reading, and last but not least, playing with the kiddos. My 4 favorite vacation spots are Bear Lake, Star Valley, Cabo San Lucas MX, and Lake Powell. I like a variety of music but my 2 favorite bands are Green Day and Dave Matthews Band.

I have some weaknesses that I am always trying to do better on. I try and do everything and please everyone, it could be considered a strength but my husband begs to differ! I will give up my sleep to get projects done, then I am impatient and grouchy to be around! I am a total pack rat although I hate clutter. On that note, let's focus on my strengths! I am a firm believer that attitude is everything. I love people. I am caring, kind, and always strive to do my best. I make my bed, 2 cribs, and 2 kids' beds daily. I keep a pretty clean house, thanks to my husband and kids who are always happy to help. I am crafty and funny. If you would like to know
31 more random facts about me, click to visit my family blog!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story and thank you for sharing it with me. I am excited that you have decided to go into the world of teaching and that you are going to make a difference in students lives...positive differences. I look forward to help you on the road to becoming a great teacher!

    It was also fun reading the 31 list...thanks for sharing!
